V1.0.17 released

Fixes :
- When stepping onto ice the party used to slide towards the direction it's looking at. The way the dungeon is built this could lead to unintended situations where the party would not stop moving when being pushed back by a force field after jumping onto ice below another force field. Now in these cases the real current direction of the party is used instead.
- An orientation check (to check if the party is lost) was forced when levitating over a hole just like when the party would fall down into the hole. This check made no sense and was removed.
- Some text fixes.

Changes :
- Contrary to other types of events such as shops, it was impossible to take stairs if you previously chose not to without getting to another tile and coming back, which in one point inside the dungeon would lead to a situation where you had no other choice than falling down into a hole. Now it works like other events, which means that you'll be asked again if you want to take the stairs for example after checking some character's sheet.
- The default choice of action in combat was improved. First a character who just equipped a weapon won't then want to unequip it, and vice versa. Secondly a character without a weapon will want to punch an enemy instead of guarding. Finally a character used to want to reload his weapon when his previous action was not available anymore and the weapon was not fully loaded, now he will want to reload his weapon only if it's empty.
- The position of traps and trees were slightly improved. It is specially noticeable when a trap is detected in the middle of a lake.
- It used to be impossible to cancel teleportation after using the item. A "Back" command was added.


noteoftheoutskirts-1_0_17.zip 138 MB
Feb 25, 2021

Get Note of the outskirts

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